While on campus, one of our senior leaders in the fellowship was praying with some people including my wife (then my fiancée). I attempted to join but he signaled that I should go out. Then the devil began to minister to me; “oh, it’s because you are not spiritual enough. He does not like you, etc.” I almost got offended, but I refused! Today, I thank God that I interpreted that situation correctly.

Friend, offence is a killer of destiny relationships. The relationships that are close to you and have been ordained to bless you the most would be the easy target of offence. “It is impossible for offence not to come…” (Luke 17:1). But you must learn to refuse offence. It is a battle that you need to stand your ground against (2 Corinthians 2:11, 1 Peter 5:8-9).

When you look at the question that John the Baptist sent his disciples to go ask Jesus, you would realize the danger of offences; “…are you the one to come or should we look for another?” (Matthew 11:3). When you start doubting the relationship that you once promoted. When you start reconsidering the relationship that once blessed you, because of unmet expectations, offence is already setting in.

John the Baptist introduced Jesus as the Messiah so he expected Jesus to check on him while in prison. He was disappointed (and offended) that Jesus did not (Matthew 11:2). He took offence in that. What do you take offence in? That your pastor did not remember to call you on your birthday? That your friend forgot your wedding anniversary? Or that someone behaved in a certain way towards you?

The target of offence is not the offender but the offended. This is why you must be quick to forgive the offender and let it go. Who knows, John the Baptist might not have lost his head if not for offence (Matthew 14:1-12)? What have you lost because of offence? God’s Grace, opportunities, relationship access, your peace etc? It’s not worth it! You must keep your head and oil in destiny; you must pursue peace (Hebrews 12:14).

You cannot be offended and anointed at the same time. Offences short circuit the flow of Grace in your life. It lifts the shield of protection. The Holy Spirit cannot flow freely and easily through an offended heart. A wounded spirit is too heavy to carry (Proverbs 18:14). Don’t lose vital relationships because of offences. Refuse offence! You will succeed! Amen!

© ‘Demola Awoyele
Lead Pastor,
Destiny Impact Church
Akure, Nigeria